
Stock Technical Analysis Optimal Value Calculation Site_FAQ

This article is Google’s automatic translation from Japanese.

This is an FAQ on the self-made site ” Technical analysis of stocks Optimal value calculation site “.

Frequently Asked Questions

It seems that the “buy and sell” timing of the technical analysis and the “buy and sell” timing on the screen are different.

Specific example of the question

ex) RSI


In technical analysis, there is a blank period at the beginning.

  • Specific example of the question

If the calculation period is 50 days, the calculation is based only on the stock price data for that 50 days.

For example, in the case of RSI, if you set Length to 10 days, you will not be able to calculate the data for the first 9 days.

Therefore, a blank period will occur first.

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If you have the same question from multiple people, I would like to post it here.